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London's Little Angels Learning Academy, INC is an Early Childhood Program that caters to children 0 to 12 years of age. We believe the each child is a precious gift from God with unique and special qualities. Our major emphasis is to help children discover their God given qualities while sharing His Love and forgiveness with them. We believe that children learn best in an interactive, "Hands-on" environment where they can discover the world around them at their own level of development. Since children need to feel secure before they begin to explore their environment, we will give them love and respect, and help them to learn how to interact with adults and peers. . 



*Mission Statement-It is the mission of London’s Little Angels Learning Academy to provide superior child care for all families in our community in a safe, nurturing, loving and educational environment. We pride our center’s focus on the individual needs of each child. London’s Little Angels Learning Academy offers the opportunity for each child to develop physically, socially and cognitively according to their individual learning style. Each child is considered unique in temperament and rate of development.




The vision of London's Little Angles Learning Academy INC is a vision in which each child is given fair and equal opportunities they need for healthy development supported by teachers and leaders who have the desire, education and recognition of their community. An important part of this vision is for each childcare provider to support children and family issues, thereby fostering professionalism, growth, and action within the provider community. 




London's Little Angels Learning, Inc, is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that quality as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) 3 or the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. 




London's Little Angels Learning Academy, Inc does not discriminate against any person on the ground of race, color, nation of origin, religious creed, disability, ancestry, sex, age, or sexual orientation in employment or in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits of any of its programs and activities, whether carried out by London's Little Angels Learning Academy, Inc Day Care or directly or through a contractor or any other entity with whom London's Little Angels Learning Academy, Inc Day Care arranges to carry out its program and activities. 





All meals will be approved by USDA Nutritional Guidelines and prepared on site. Each child will receive lunch, snack and dinner. All children will need to be present at the appropriate time to receive these meals. No outside food will be accepted. Weekly menus will be provided outside your child's classroom and office for your review. All children are taught to use proper table manners.

In The



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